Living From the Heart Every Day

Living from the Heart. So many people desire to do this, and many do. Yet, living from the heart space consistently can be elusive—not because we don’t desire to—it’s elusive because we get lost in day to day happenings. Life is full of busyness, hustle and bustle, and many people who need our time and attention. Sometimes we forget to bring our conscious awareness to our thoughts and actions, and before we know it another day or week has passed, and we realize we weren’t as heart-centered as we would have liked.

This e-book is a compilation of mindful and meaningful tips, thoughts, and exercises intended to enhance your own heart-connected life experience.

As you read these tips, imagine ways you can bring them into your daily routine. As you do, you’ll find that you’re more engaged with the people in your life, you’ll be less stressed, and you’ll enjoy life’s simple pleasures. You’ll also experience more peace, harmony, and ease with your family, loved ones, friends, coworkers, and community. Mostly, you’ll experience these feelings within yourself. These tips are intentionally brief and to the point because we know you have a full and busy life. Use them to increase your personal everyday well-being, happiness quotient, and love-filled life.

About the Authors
The individuals sharing these tips are the co-authors of the new book Heart & Soul. They have come together to share their personal experiences and journeys to help you live a more heart-centered, joy-filled, and loving experience of connection and growth. It is their wish that the tips in this e-book and their stories in the paperback book will assist you on your personal life journey.

Heart & Soul Authors
