I was born in Alberta and came to Montreal to start my own family in 1988

In 1993 I began working in the fitness Industry and engaging in the Healing arts.I pretty much took every course I could get my hands on and received multiple certifications in both modalities.I loved working with the body and I loved the spirit world just as much.

I suffered a serious injury in 1999 and again in 2000.I was unable to stand or walk on my own.My spinal cord was in danger of being severed by my vertebrae.

I moved into teaching Yoga as soon as I could put myself back together again and from there found myself migrating into teaching Pilates and there is where I landed.

I opened my first Pilates Studio in 2003 ,the second studio opened in 2004 and the third studio was opened in 2016.

In 2015 I had my first ET contact and it was a very beautiful and profound life changing experience for me that I have cherished.

I became a massage Therapist in 2016 and a Hypnotist in 2017 as well as a trained CE5 facilitator

2018 I sold my two Pilates studios to family members and still enjoy my teaching.I became a Grandmother and enjoy my babysitting very much. My Hypnosis practice is thriving and recently have had various forms of light language coming through me including increased physic abilities through intuition and channeling. I am a published author of an Anthology book and in that book I share my life story.It is my hope that those that connect to my story will feel hope when they need it most and to know and feel they are not alone.
